You gotta open those locked doors...yes, find the keys!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Everywhere and Everything

When I smell the scent of a flower,
I want your face to appear out of nowhere;
When I climb a tall tower,
I want to see you waiting there out of care.

When I have succumbed to darkness,
I want to see you hold the light;
When I am losing myself in happiness,
I want you to relish that height.

When I am feeling loveless,
I want you to tell me: "You're a Goddess."

                                                                     -Kriti Malhotra

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Why should most love songs be thrown into space?

Many people love listening to love songs. They enjoy the gush of memories and the overflow of feelings that visit them when their favorite love song plays. However, if one does away with the stirring music and the seemingly beautiful lyrics, one will find that these songs defy the definition of true love.

“Main hoon hero tera” by Salman Khan is a love-song in which a male tells a female that he is her hero. A hero is someone who rescues the lady, protects her and even leads her. It is similar to the knight in the shining armor. This is extremely sexist. Why should a woman not be able to do the three functions by herself? Is true love only about rescuing, protecting and leading the lady?

In a song called “Hello” by Adele, she apologizes to her ex-lover. The lover, however, does not respond. It is an extremely melancholic song in sepia. Adele is not able to reconcile with the fact that the relationship has not worked out due to xyz reason and it is only full of regrets. Who ever said that regretting is a good thing? Who ever said that one should sing songs on regrets?

 “Maula Mere Maula” by Anwar is a song in which the singer is going gaga over the appearance of the girl who has smitten him. He talks about her eyes and her hair. Whosoever wrote the song has given a definite boost to the cosmetic industry! Looks matter, you see!

I hope that the aliens come on Earth with their own love-songs because the love-songs here are going to leave them aghast. I also hope that somebody throws all the tapes and records of these songs into the space where no one will ever be able to find them. If they are thrown on the Earth, one will have to manage them, so throw them into the space!

                                                                                                                                     -Kriti Malhotra

Saturday, December 2, 2017

How to Increase your Self-confidence?

    One of the most important aspects of your personality is your self-confidence. It determines your behavior in the social, personal and professional fields. It makes you happy and an optimist even; it is the immunity cells of your body that prevents you from being eaten up by tough times; it belongs to you completely.
    As you swim from the deep and dark waters of diffidence to the surface and light waters of confidence, you may lose your way. The journey is slow but the change is irreversible. Here are some ways to help you in your journey:

1. Try something different: The moment you try something you have never tried before, "I can't" becomes "I can." Thus, you will realize that you can do a lot more than you thought you could. Your confidence and trust in your abilities will increase. This can also be called stepping out of your comfort zone.

2. Do what scares you!: It is rightfully believed that the maximum growth happens when you do what you are afraid of. Trying to do something that you are afraid of can be challenging for the first time with the mental barriers. However, once overcome, you will realize that the fear was a mirage; you believed in a mirage.

3. Keep a diary: Keep a diary on your bedstead or under your pillow and before sleeping write down two things that are good about you. Do this for at least ten days and notice the magical change in you!

4. Talk about them: If you have accomplished something, talk about it to people. It is a good thing to feel proud of yourself. However, there is a fine line that separated talking confidently and boasting; between self-pride and arrogance!

5. The right people: In life, it is absolutely essential to be around people who appreciate the good in you and accept you (flaws and all) ; people who encourage you to become a better person.

Your journey will not be without the lows when you feel that you are falling off a trench. However, keep trying because self-confidence is a precious, good thing!

                                                                                                                 -Kriti Malhotra