You gotta open those locked doors...yes, find the keys!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Nina and Rina are Best Friends

It was the first day of the college. Nina looked around at the classroom with contempt. Some of the students were jeering at one another and some were mocking at the teacher. I scorn at people who engage in such behaviour. Teasing one another or poking fun at one another is alright but mocking?
She sat next to a quiet girl.

“Hi, my name is Nina. Yours?”


They say together everyday.

Soon, Nina made other friends in the college. However, she told Rina: “You are my best friend, Rina.”

Rina invited her to her house and showed her the squibs she had written against the various problems of the society. She even told her about her interest in multimedia and the spoof that she had uploaded on YouMake (a website for uploading videos). It had one lakh views. How impressive!

One day while they were looking for a place to sit in the class, someone sneered: “Lesbians; you both are lesbians!”

Nina felt humiliated but Rina told her: “You should not pay attention to such pillories.”
In the next few days, Nina and Rina were taunted, ridiculed and made sport of but nothing could break their strong friendship.

                                                                                                                        -Kriti Malhotra