You gotta open those locked doors...yes, find the keys!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

I cannot make you love me.

People have called me ‘amazing’; people have told me that I deserve someone better. The reality is that I have never been in a proper relationship. The reality is that I do not know that if I ever fall in love with someone, the other person will see how “amazing” I am and this is not about me. This does not mean that I am unlovable for many people fear that this is what it will mean. It is not necessary that my man (if ever I have a man), is exactly the way I imagine him to be. I am sure that the relationship would not be like a cooking recipe: add these ingredients, stir and the person is yours. He will have his own likes and dislikes and I will have to understand them the way he will have to understand mine. I have come across people who cry because they did something for the other person and the other person did not reciprocate the love. You cannot make another person love you. I cannot make you love me. I cannot make you love me the way I would expect you to love me because everyone loves differently.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

“Because Words are Brighter than the Stars”

I wish to sprinkle this piece with glitter, stars and unicorn dust; I wish to remind you of dragonflies, butterflies and chirping birds; I wish to remind you of the light showers of rains, sunshine and dotted night-sky; Did you notice the magic? I do not believe that magic happens only when some potions are mixed in a cauldron; I do not believe that magic happens only when the magician says “Abracadabra”; I believe that magic happens when the child speaks her first words. Yes, the first time when she calls her mother ‘mom’ and it is enough to light her up unfathomably. Magic happens when we utter, understand, read or write a word. The mind makes out the letters, the word and then the sentence in a jiffy. Well! That’s magical!

Words are so powerful! They have the power to break or make someone; they have the power to heal someone and fill them with hope; they have the power to foster understanding between people; they have the power to unite (MeToo); they have the power to make love known; they have the power to sprinkle peals of laughter. Words can be brought together in a musical song.

Words are as beautiful as the word beautiful! Together words and words make up a beautiful piece of writing. You have a beautiful name that imparts your identity. There is a word for all the beautiful things in the world: earth, waterfalls, orbs, galaxies, you…

So exchange words just like you exchange glances; utter words just as naturally as you breathe; feel the sense of the words rippling through you and notice the magic happen all around.

                                                                                                                      -Kriti Malhotra